Marcos Gallo



As a social neuroscientist focused on outgroup discrimination and the psychology of poverty, I firmly believe that effective teaching is a changing force in the world. My main objectives as a teacher are to help students understand principles, apply them in their work and lives, and become independent, creative thinkers who critique current concepts and develop new ones. As a Brazilian, my pedagogy is heavily influenced by Freire’s concept of dialogue. I strive to build (1) a teaching environment of kindness, (2) the development of students, (3) a personal link to the discipline, and (4) metacognition.


Social and Decision Neuroscience Bootcamp

Curriculum Developer and Instructor

California Institute of Technology


Teaching Assistant

California Institute of Technology

Bayesian Statistics

Teaching Assistant

California Institute of Technology


Teaching Assistant

California Institute of Technology

Introduction to Political Science

Teaching Assistant

California Institute of Technology

High School Debate

Curriculum Developer and Instructor

Shanghai Debate League